
John 5:19-40
Followers: A Matter of Life & Death

This week, pastor Don takes a look at the vital subject of what it means to know Jesus. The religious leaders' of Jesus day believed that they needed to perform in order to win God's approval, but Jesus made it clear that no amount of performance or keeping the law or religious ceremonies could even come close to making us right with God. If being 'good' or doing 'good' or doing our best isn't enough, then what is? The answer comes in John 6:29, the work of God is to 'believe in the one (Jesus) whom He has sent'. Pastor Don left us all with a challenge. For those who have believed in Jesus, the challenge is to share this news with others, to 'make disciples'. For those who haven't yet settled the question of who Jesus is, the challenge is to believe, to put your trust in His death and resurrection on your behalf, as payment for your sins. By doing so, you are believing in the One God has sent.