Help Needed:
Do you like to cook? Can you bake some muffins or make a pot of soup? Would you be able to provide a meal for someone in the church once or twice a year? If so, please consider adding your name to the list of volunteers for the Care and Concern Committee (details below).
The Care and Concern committee aims to show the love of Jesus by providing a warm meal or baking for people in our church family at times when they could use some support. This may be the death of a loved one, an illness in the family, perhaps a new baby or if there are people in our church family that are facing financial struggles. While our support is not permanent, we hope that it will assist families for a few days when they really need it.
We try to only call on our volunteers 2 or 3 times a year, and this is dependent on the number of volunteers signed up for meals or baking. We also try to be sensitive to the busy lives and changing circumstances of our volunteers. If you were to get a call asking to help provide for a family, and the timing is not right, just let us know and we will move on to the next name on our list. Please don't feel you have to be a chef; simple homemade food is all we are looking for: soups, buns, casseroles, baking, whatever you think would work. You can also contact Aaron in the church office if you know of someone in our church family that requires assistance. We so appreciate your help with this ministry!
'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.' Matthew 25: 35 - 36a