Pastor Don kicks off a new series in the book of Daniel. He first starts by giving an overview of the book of Daniel and where it fits in chronologically in the Bible and historically, where it fits in the world scheme of things. There has definitely been controversy over the book of Daniel in terms of those who doubt it's historicity and accuracy. However, as Pastor Don points out, where there is discrepancy between what we know today and what the Bible teaches, we can fully trust the Bible's account. In fact, in several instances, what had previously been discounted from Daniel's account, has later been verified as archaeological and historical evidence has come to light. God, His Word, and indeed His prophets, can be trusted ALL of the time.
In case you didn't get to write down the timeline, here it is:
1400's - Moses/Israel leave Egypt
1046 Saul first king of Israel
1010 David becomes king
970-931 Solomon is king
930 kingdom of Israel splits into Israel/Judah
722 Israel exiled by Assyria
701 Assyria attacks Judah
630 Assyrian civil war
616 Egypt at war with Assyria
609 Josiah attacks Egypt - he dies
605 Babylon defeats Egypt
604 King Nebuchadnezzar becomes king of Babylon
March 15/16 597 Jerusalem surrenders to Babylon
587/586 Jerusalem and the temple destroyed
562 Nebuchadnezzar dies
562 on...Neb's son is king...then son-in-law...then grandson
556-539 Nabonidus is last king of Babylon (his son likely reigns in his place for 10 years)
539 Cyrus the great defeats Babylon
539 End of exile for Judah (1st year note of Cyrus reign)
530 Cyrus succeeded by his son (until 522)
521-486 Darius is king of Persia
490 1st Persian invasion of Greeece
Oct 486 Xerxes is new king of Persia
484 Xerxes murdered and Artaxerxes is king
445 Artaxerxes decree to rebuild temple until 400...a series of kings with short reigns
359 Philip 2nd unites Greek states
336 Alexander becomes leader of unified Greece
334 Alexander attacks Persia
323 Alexander died and divides empire into 28 regions - eventual ending up as 4 kingdoms
275 the four kingdoms are reduce to 3 until Roman empire
175-164 Antiochus the 4th 32 Jesus crucified