After an introduction to the book of Judges, pastor Don takes a look at the first Judge, Othniel, who shows up in Chapter 3 of Judges. We may think that the sins of the children of Israel are far removed from us today. After all, their problem was that they had forsaken the true God and gone after false gods, idols. We wouldn't dream of doing such a thing today, would we? Yet, as we dig a bit deeper, we discover that while we may not have little or big statues of false gods we bow down to, we are still guilty of replacing the one true God with other gods. We live in a world and society that is obssessed with self. As the temptation to put ourselves in first place takes priority, we have made ourselves into little gods or idols. One way this shows up today is in our tendency to worry about everything. Worry is putting ourselves in place of God.