As Pastor Don wraps up the series on Ephesians, he reminds us of some of the most important lessons from the book. What truly matters in life is not the accumulation of things or worldly success. Even as we look around us, many in the world will admit if they are honest, what doesn't bring true fulfillment or 'happiness' and yet most will also admit that they do not know what actually does. We see that what does bring fulfillment is 'being successful in the achievement of a planned aim or goal' and that aim must have eternal value. The only way to have true fulfillment therefore is to be rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ. We see from the book of Ephesians, that whatever may amount to success in this life therefore can only come from God. Therefore, let's be faithful in the tasks that God has set before us today. Be faithful in sharing this amazing gospel of resurrection from the dead unto eternal life, sins forgiven, and a life worth living ...