God uses these two men over 20 years each to bring peace to the land of Israel and yet very little is said of them. There is a temptation to take the other judges who did spectacular things and think they are the ones who were the most useful to God. Yet most of us are like this man. Jair: Presumably he had multiple wives (30 sons) Seems to do everything in his power to do well for himself. But we are responsible to be good stewards with what God has entrusted is with. Israel looked around and saw other nations with other gods and decided to worship them. When we sin God gives us over to yet more sin. That is the consequence. Yet we end up regretting getting caught in sin. Lord, help me see how rotten my sin is. Do what is right to You. Your will be done. The appeal of worship of other gods is the quick fix. The God of Scripture takes time. “So they put away the foreign gods from among them and served the Lord, and he became impatient over the misery of Israel.” Judges 10:16 ESV He saw their misery and said 'enough' 1. Living or living for the kingdom 2. Sin not dealt with always gets worse 3. Quick and easy fixes never seems to be in line with God's plans 4. Quick fixes lead to crashes - they work briefly 5. Give thanks for God's mercy